signs o the time.

part one. these are the times. The Rona has, as of Monday march sixteenth, two thousand twenty, more than one hundred seventy thousand cases world wide. it has been around since December of twenty nineteen but nobody was really taking it seriously. two weeks ago, very few people were thinking critically. hell, TODAY, people are … Continue reading signs o the time.

i’m just a soul whose intentions are good.

i didn't have any control over how i look. making fun of me calling me ugly isn't going to hurt my feelings. and hyping me up telling me i look really good isn't going to make me feel extra good. i had absolutely no say in my looks. i take no offense to that. but … Continue reading i’m just a soul whose intentions are good.

strength in numbers.

"the world won't get no better if we just let it be. the world won't get no better we gotta change it, yeah just you and me." america's team, golden state warriors, had the basketball world shook. won three out of five championships. won a record seventy-three games out of eighty-two one year. their best … Continue reading strength in numbers.


love is revolutionary. but have you ever loved someone that you no longer liked? that someone can be yourself. love doesn't make a marriage last. it shouldn't. think about it. love doesn't make one stay at their job for decades although the conditions are horrible. it's time for us to work on LIKING ourselves. we … Continue reading TIME FOR US TO LIKE OURSELVES.

a p o l o gize.

say sorry. it's time for you to do it. This is the thesis. we need to grow up, take accountability of our actions and apologize. we cannot claim to be grown and refuse to say "i'm sorry" to someone who is worth being in your life. period. even those who aren't in your life for … Continue reading a p o l o gize.